Our new website and blog
Hi! We hope you like our new website.
Two months ago we began the process of rebranding the business.
We set about focussing our attention on what we offer our clients and how we interact with each of you on a day to day basis.
Whether you’re a Family Business, High Net Worth Individual or a client of a Family Law firm.
This is not just a logo and corporate colour change. It is a fundamental acknowledgement of what drives us forward and how we help our clients succeed today and into the future.
Our new name is: dbs+ Accountants+Business Advisors
You may have noticed our new positioning statement: Relentlessly pursuing your financial advantage.
This is what we do. On that you can rely.
On a day to day basis, emails are now name@yourdbs.com.au (e.g. john@yourdbs.com.au)
Phone numbers and the office address remain the same.
Obviously, our new website is www.yourdbs.com.au
We look forward to our continual involvement in your business and helping you achieve your future goals.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Renee or myself.